The mobile processor unit involved Snapdragon 652. This product is renamed Snapdragon 620, which contains eight cores clocked at up to 1.8 GHz (quartets ARM Cortex-A72 and ARM Cortex-A53), a graphics accelerator Adreno 510 and a cellular modem X8 LTE providing the data download speed of the network to 300 Mbit /s.
It is known that the smartphone is on board 4 GB of RAM and a flash module with a capacity of 64 GB. Indicates the presence of front and rear cameras with 16 megapixels: this feature will appreciate the fans selfie-shooting.
According to reports, the touch screen has a diagonal of 6 inches and is characterized by a resolution of 1920 × 1080 pixels, which corresponds to the format Full HD. The operating system contains platform Andriod 5.1.1 Lollipop.
As for the estimated cost of new products, the network sources put the figure at $ 540.